Strategies for Success

The Art of Fundraising

Imagine trying to reproduce Vincent van Gogh’s post-impressionist masterpiece, The Starry Night, with its bold colors, whirling clouds and shining stars. It would be a formidable task, if not impossible, even for a gifted artist. Now imagine trying to attempt this feat without a lot of experience. Intuitively, we know the result would be a disappointment.

But what if it were possible to set a more realistic, attainable and satisfying goal – one you knew could be accomplished? Much like attempting to paint a masterpiece, many nonprofits set unachievable fundraising goals, only to be disappointed. It isn’t always that the dollar goal is too high; sometimes the timeline is off or the budget is too low or a dozen preparatory tasks have not taken place first.

Paint by numbers

This is why paint-by-numbers kits exist and why a pre-campaign study is essential – having the right tools in place, the right steps to follow and everything laid out from beginning to end makes the difference. Clear instructions and seasoned insights – “Clean your brush thoroughly before introducing a new color” and “Paint light colors first, since darker colors can cover lighter ones” – help ensure a positive outcome.

Enjoy the process

A pre-campaign study, conducted by an objective and experienced fundraising professional, provides the tools and steps necessary to create something of beauty: an engaged board, strong donor relationships and funding to advance the mission. Rather than stressing about the end result, hiring professional counsel can make major gift fundraising an elevating and enriching process.

Take a bow

Professional counsel helps guide the fundraising process, but the work and a successful outcome is the result of a nonprofit that has followed the steps and instructions. Each donor gift becomes part of a larger picture. Taken together, these steps and gifts become a masterpiece for which staff, volunteers, donors and everyone served may be proud.

Geoff Burns

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